Booted or bare? Mental health and childlessness

I was very moved to receive a post from a mental health practitioner who writes about her experiences of childlessness and how it impacts on our mental wellbeing. It's an inspiring piece that I felt was very powerful in her observation of herself against her demanding work. It also moved me because it gives so much useful advice that we can apply to how we manage too. You can read this piece by clicking here.

I hope that you'll enjoy this read and I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments or on social media about how childlessness affects your mental health? 

If you are inspired to write for Walk In Our Shoes, please do get in touch. You don't have to be a professional writer or have any experience in blogging, that's not our focus. Scribble down any words you'd like to share on any theme of childlessness. To get some advice and reassurance, because I understand this means a lot, then click here.

Wishing you a wonderful week.