A superhero mission this Mother's Day.

Molly and Kenny Walk in Our Shoes superhero childless.png

It's the male half of the Walk In Our Shoes on the blog today. I've been on a mission this week (not just looking after Berenice and Molly, and learning how to work the oven). 

Berenice told me about the supermarket Morrison's who are opening up a checkout lane for mums in their Portsmouth store this Sunday and giving all mums a gift. Members of Facebook groups The Not-Mom Network and Childless Path To Acceptance and her friend Stephanie Phillips at World Childless Week set about posting on Morrison's Facebook page, in the hope of getting a response and recognition from the supermarket that it has gone a little too far. At the time of writing, it has been seven hours since Stephanie's first post and no reply, she reports that the social team who are available 8am to 11pm are more interested in comments on their cauliflowers. 

We wonder how much more commercial it will be on Father's Day? I'm pretty bullet proof - for me having children would have been a fantastic bonus to our marriage but I'm content with what I have, but it's not like that for all couples. It's tough for women and men, but there seems to be more pressure on women to conform to what society thinks is normal. 

This week I've been responsible for the shopping. Berenice does most of this and she is very pro-independent shops. Me, I prefer the convience of Asda! But I made an effort because it is a good thing to do and actually saves us money because we stick to a list... well Berenice sticks with a list, I get a bit side-tracked by the beers and chocolate. 

The point of the thread is that we realised that for most small shops it's business as usual. A complete contrast to Asda. And we're sure, a relief from Morrisons. We wanted to say a massive thank you to our veg box supplier, the local farm shop (they were advertising but were intending to give a gift to all women) and the Daily Bread cooperative. 

It isn't our usual post for Mothering Sunday. But we wanted to celebrate the businesses that are less in your face about it all, equal, fair and not assaulting you with commerce as you walk through the door. We want to encourage you do thank them this year than waste time and money on big chains like Morrisons who just don't care. Small shops care more because they rely on loyal customers. In a supermarket we are small minority compared to the parent ££. 

The Childless Hour Twitter chat is running on Sunday at 8pm so if you need space to air your views then log onto Twitter. If you're like me and baffled by Twitter then there's some details here on the link. Berenice is planning to do a Twitter how to Zoom chat later this month when she's well.  You can find out about this if you join the Walking Forward Inspirational Network. Berenice tells me that our links has listed blogs and groups where you can find support this weekend.

We wish you a safe and peaceful weekend.