Turning a negative comment into a positive

I do my best, as I am sure you all do, to find a balance. One of the inspirations behind Walk In Our Shoes is a best friend who is a mum and has been a constant support, in fact we've had a few posts in our gallery that talk about the relationship between those who are involuntary childless and parents and in the main, I genuinely believe that parents do understand more than we can assume they do.

And then there are those who don't. I very rarely drawn attention this on Walk In Our Shoes because I believe in a positive view point but I'm sharing this. I got mad about this because it made me question if our feelings are valid. I still don't know the drive behind this person though they are a graphic designer so perhaps it's trying to undermine a fellow creative which is very poor form. When I turned to trusted friends about it I got three wise views:

  1. Good friends and support groups are great. I turned to them to sense check this and they all said
  2. Let it ride. This person is making the fool of themselves and sometimes it best to let them dig their own graves. 
  3. It also reminds me why an involuntary childlessness business group is necessary. Because we share the same aspirations and goals.

So after much thinking and some photoshop editing to respectfully remove names and anything that may identify this person or the group, I am sharing the question and my response. I haven't blurred out my name and the person commenting isn't the OP. Why?

  • Because I'm turning a negative comment into a positive by showing how yes, it rattled me, but it didn't ruin my weekend.
  • I didn't take the comment down which meant they sort of understood (not really I don't think, but let's go with it) and,
  • I walked away.
  • Because friends and support meant more. 

What do you think?

The question 

The question


My response (not from the OP)

My response (not from the OP)