Happy healthy entrepreneur


I am still around! It's been a very busy week with lots of really nice comments coming in following the Cambridge Digital Awards and helping World Childless Week with the 2018 branding and The Childless Not By Choice magazine with design advice. I've also set up an exhibition related to my postgraduate degree and ran a book launch! Thankfully life is a bit quieter now and I'm busy back to printmaking and going to life drawing sessions which I am loving so much. 

Now cast your mind back to the lighter days of September. I spoke with a very inspiring business owner, Sarah Swanton during this month. I love her warmth and interest in people and that she is very into positive and heart based techniques. Sarah is a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist running the Happy Healthy Entrepreneur and when she asked if I'd be interested in speaking on her podcast, I leapt at the chance. Not only was she huge fun to talk to, it was a lovely reflective piece for me too. 

You can listen here on Sarah's website (and I really encourage you to explore the site, it's full of great advice). I hope you really enjoy it as much as did speaking about my journey and how childlessness has led to changes for me. Plus you get actually hear me! And I apologise in advance for the number of hums and arrhs! 

Do let me know what you think!