Friday find: let's find our friends

Not the regular Friday find.. if indeed there is a regular Friday find! More call to arms! This week I shared our links page with you and it reminded me of the power of community.  

In my journey I have met some wonderful men and women whom I am proud to call friends and offer some great service and skills. I think it's very important to share those details. Every site and group I've belonged to, offers something different but with the aim of connection, support and care. Almost every site operates for free, like Walk In Our Shoes and behind the site is a administrator who is more than likely to have been through the same as us and digs deep to support others. They deserve a share and a round of applause for the work they do.

I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to anyone who wishes to share their details. If you run a website that you think can benefit others please get in touch. Maybe you have an event to share? If you've seen a blog, let me know and let's build up that links page so we can all connect so that we can get the help we need from each other. 

Have a great weekend!